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Les 4èmes vous expliquent leur début d’année...

jeudi 2 décembre 2021, par M. Vidalenc

La classe de 4ème représente un grand changement pour les élèves du collège, faisons le point sur le ressenti des élèves de cette année, in English, please !

La classe de 4ème représente un grand changement pour les élèves du collège, faisons le point sur le ressenti des élèves de cette année, in English, please !

On the first day of school, I was happy because I could see my friends again and I took a selfie ; but I was a little depressed. I wasn’t happy to start lessons again !
In year 9, I learnt Pythagore in mathematics and in PE, I did rugby ! I am fond of it !

I am fond of PE and Spanish. I enjoy English and maths. I hate biology.
My best friend was happy to start school again and she took a selfie with me. She doesn’t mind biology but she is fond of English and mathematics.


Hello, I’m 12.

Before going back to school, I was happy because I could see my friends but I was sad because there are tests.

During my third year of Middle School, I worked on : like ; can’t bear ; don’t mind ; hate ; enjoy and be fond of.

During my holidays, I did football, basketball, I played video games and played with my friends. I miss it.

At school, I like the cafeteria, English and Spanish but I can’t bear tests.

My best friend is fond of physics, likes French and English but he hates tests and the cafeteria.


Hello, I’m a pupil of Anne Frank Middle School. I felt good for going back to school because I love seeing my friends and talking to them and participating in my favourite subjects (English, history, geography, science and more) but there are subjects I don’t like.

Now, I know how to make a good sentence in English, good questions too and I know the "Pythagore théorème".

Back to school isn’t hard, it’s just some revisions of year 8.

My best friend hates school because he hates all subjects. He loves talking and laughing with me and his other friends.


During the first day, I was sad because holidays were finishedbut I was happy to go back to school to see my friends and have English, mathematics, technology and history. When I saw my class, I was so happy ! It’s a very good class.

During the first week, I liked going to school : teachers were very cool and subjects were nice but I would rather sleep and play video games than do my homework. I discovered that French isn’t that boring.

I love English, maths and history but I hate the cafeteria.
My friend likes technology but he doesn’t like the cafeteria.


Article rédigé par Mme Vidalenc.