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Les 4èmes parlent de leur début d’année

samedi 12 novembre 2022, par M. Vidalenc

Comme l’année dernière, les 4èmes vous parlent de leur rentrée et de ce qui est nouveau pour eux !

Cette année ce sont des élèves de 4e1 ; 4e2 et 4e5 qui vous expliquent leurs craintes et les nouveautés de cette nouvelle classe.

4e1 C A

Back to school :
During my summer holidays, I was so scared to go back to school but on the first day I was so excited to see my friends. I missed them ! But the moment I saw I wasn’t in the class of my best friend I was depressed because I love my best friend.
I discovered I hate Spanish and 8th grade is so hard ! I love my principal teacher, my French teacher and I have friends in my class, so it’s fine !

4e2 M L

I was stressed and happy because I saw my friends and I was stressed because I discovered my class, my teachers and my timetable. In year nine, I discovered new teachers ( English, French, history) and new people in my class.
On the first day I was happy because I like my class and my teachers but I was stressed to discover my new teachers.
During my holidays, I watched series and I played football.
At school, I am fond of arts and I enjoy maths but I can’t stand French and I dislike history. My best friend likes physics and English but she dislikes French and maths.

4e5 S Z

During back to school, I was stressed because I wanted to have a good class, a good timetable and good teachers. After I saw my class I was happy because they are my friends but I was sad because my planning is not very good.
I discovered a lot of things in 4e, in history, in English...and in the life of the middle school.
During my holidays, I went to the South of France and I miss the beach.
In middle school, I like PE, English, my class too but I hate Spanish and I can’t bear my timetable. My best friend is like me but he doesn’t like English.